
My Whole Heart - First Chamber

by Noah Diamondstein

This is the first of four "Chambers" of my new collection of music entitled: My Whole Heart (or בכל לבי in Hebrew)! The incredible artwork you're seeing here was created by the amazing, inimitable Joanne Fink. I am immeasurably grateful to her for this beautiful work, which is just one quarter of a larger whole that you'll begin to see take shape as more sections are released!

The first section's theme is: HINENI: Here I Am. It is a collection about being present, being grateful, seeing our own potential, and identifying the most beautiful aspects of the universe.

1. Ilu Finu

2. Gesher Tzar M'od

3. Ray of Light (Unpredictable) - featuring Coleen Dieker on Violin

4. Hineni Muchan Um'zuman - co-written by Chava Mirel and me